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Valentina Lisa Bättig


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Valentina Lisa attended her first singing lessons at the age of 9 with her mother Ruth Bättig.
After attending the PreCollege of the Academy of Music in Zurich, she began her studies with Professor Christian Hilz at the University of the Arts in Bern in September 2017. After her bachelor's degree in 2020, she is now studying there in the Master's Performance.
In 2016, she sang her first leading role as Maria in "West Side Story". In 2017, she appeared as a rope and sandman in Humperdink's "Hänsel und Gretel", and charity concerts in several Swiss cities in favour of the organisation Mary's Meals. In 2020, she performed as Carlotta
from "Phantom of the Opera", as part of the Musical Plus Organisation.
In 2020, she won a scholarship from the Friedlwald Foundation in Basel. In the same year she was in the final of the Migros Culture Percentage Competition for Vocals in Switzerland
and in December 2020 she won first prize at the French competition "Nouvelles Etoiles" and thus concert invitations to France and Russia.
In May 2021, she was the only European in the final of the South American competition Opera en Castellano. She was also nominated to be part of the IYMC competition final "Artist of the Year», which she won as «Absolute Winner».

She sang Papagena in Bern in Season 20/21 and performed as Zerlina in November20 21.
In the Summer 2022 she will complete her Master's degree.
Roles such as Pamina from "The Magic Flute", Adina from "L'elisir d'amore" and Musetta from "La Bohème" are currently in preparation.

The first round video
The second round video
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